Contingencias Premium: Explore Everything About Evapotranspiration and ET0

Contingencias Premium: Explore Everything About Evapotranspiration and ET0

If you're already familiar with Contingencias, the weather application that alerts you 10 minutes in advance about hailfall, you'll be thrilled to know that in its premium version, you also gain access to detailed information about evapotranspiration (ET) and ET0. In this post, we'll explain what ET0 is and why it's essential knowledge for agriculture and irrigation.


Evapotranspiration (ET) is the total amount of water lost in a specific area due to soil surface evaporation and plant transpiration. ET is a crucial parameter for water resource management, especially in agriculture, where understanding how much water a particular area needs for proper plant growth is essential.

ET0, on the other hand, is reference evapotranspiration, indicating the amount of water lost through evaporation and transpiration on a well-watered vegetated surface, known as short grass, which serves as the reference standard for measuring evapotranspiration in different locations.

In the premium version of Contingencias, you'll have access to detailed information about ET0 in your area. This allows you to understand how much water the soil and plants need based on meteorological conditions. This information is particularly valuable for farmers and irrigation professionals, enabling them to adjust water application for maximum efficiency and to prevent water waste.

Moreover, information about ET0 can also benefit gardeners and homeowners, allowing them to adjust their watering schedules based on current weather conditions, saving both water and money.


In conclusion, the premium version of Contingencias provides valuable insights into evapotranspiration and ET0 in your area. This can be a significant aid for farmers, irrigation professionals, gardeners, and homeowners alike. ET0 is a crucial parameter to determine how much water a specific area needs, helping to adjust irrigation accordingly and leading to water and cost savings. Don't wait any longer; try the premium version of Contingencias today.